Lifepac Math, Grade 1, Workbook Set

Lifepac Math, Grade 1, Workbook Set - Product Image

Lifepac Math, Grade 1, Workbook Set

Price: $102.00

SKU Number: MAT0100
Price: $102.00

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epetition, drills and application ensure mastery of computational skills with Lifepac Math. Students will progress to higher-level cognitive reasoning and analysis as their problem solving ability increases. Perfect for students who flourish in a self-paced, individualized learning format, each consumable LIFEPAC combines lessons, exercises, projects, reviews and tests.. This set includes 10 Lifepac Workbooks for Grade 1. Teacher's Guide must be purchased separately. Subjects covered include: number order, add/subtract to 9 add/subtract to 10, shapes fractions, time, symbols "equals" and "does not equal" add to 18, money, measurement column addition, estimation, charts number words to 99, two-digit addition, symbols count to 200, subtract to 12, graphs add/subtract to 18, operation signs sensible answers, two-digit addition and subtraction review