Lifepac 12th Grade Math - Pre-Calculus

Lifepac 12th Grade Math - Pre-Calculus - Product Image

Lifepac 12th Grade Math - Pre-Calculus

Price: $108.00

SKU Number: MAT1215
Price: $108.00

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Sample Pages:


- 10 Worktext Units (Samples Above)
- Teacher's Guide


With LIFEPAC 12th Grade Math, your student is given a comprehensive study of advanced math, trigonometry, and pre-calculus. Topics are: Relations and Functions; Trigonometric Functions; Circular Functions and Graphs; Quadratic Equations; and Probability. Easy-to-understand, personalized instructions ease anxiety and give student's an assertive, positive attitude toward calculus. Packed with valuable information, this course, which covers functions and identities, is a great preparatory course for college math classes. The LIFEPAC 12th Grade Math Set contains ten worktexts and a teacher's guide (these may also be purchased individually).

What's Covered? 

Lifepac Scope & Sequence