Horizons 4th Grade Math Student Book 1

Horizons 4th Grade Math Student Book 1 - Product Image

Horizons 4th Grade Math Student Book 1

Price: $38.75

SKU Number: JMS041
Price: $38.75

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Horizons 4th Grade Math Student Book 1


Horizons 4th Grade Math Student Book 1 contains colorful, eye-catching lessons that include: recognizing and writing numbers up to a hundred billion; knowing prime and composite numbers; addition and subtraction up to 6-digit numbers with borrowing; a review of telling time, time equivalents, and time zones; a review of the metric system; and learning the definition of a ratio, along with dividing and multiplying to find equal ratios. This full-color student workbook contains lessons 1-80 and perforated pages for easy removal.

  • Student Book 1
Brand New
Scope & Sequence
Horizons Scope & Sequence