Christian Liberty Press Exploring American History Text

Christian Liberty Press Exploring American History Text - Product Image

Christian Liberty Press Exploring American History Text

Price: $12.38

SKU Number: 79650
Price: $12.38

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Are you interested in teaching children about the impact of the chief founders and builders of America? Then Exploring American History is the book for you! It is our goal with this textbook to acquaint students with the lives and impact of many of the critical people in American history. We hope this book will inspire students to search further into the details of the various personalities of America's history. We have sought within this book to bring out the influence of the Christian faith as it relates to the events and people of America's past. We have made a number of improvements to the second edition of Exploring American History. Students will benefit from several new chapters, as well as revisions to the rest of the book. We have also added numerous illustrations, maps, and articles to make this edition even more interesting and informative to students. They will learn about American history from the early Viking explorers to the 2008 presidential election. Whether using this book as a primary history book or as a supplemental text, students will benefit from this unique study of American history.